Alli | 19 October
How to implement a mid-term survey (or other feedback mechanism) in your course.
Anna | 12 October
"How can I make the correct answers for a Quiz available to students?"
Marisa | 05 October
Are you interested in recording your teaching activity for the Winter 2024 term? The FASE Lecture Capture Program is geared towards instructors
Anna | 02 October
Find out how we used an e-learning authoring tool to deliver the EdTech Workshop 2023 Attendee Guide.
Alli | 01 October
In this Issue: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation | Making of the EdTech Workshop 2023 Attendee Guide
Anna | 28 September
"Why can't my students open an MS Stream video I embedded on a Quercus page?"
Alli | 25 September
Learn more about our three new ETO Work Study students.
Anna | 21 September
"Why can't I access the 'Submit For Student' option in Quercus?"
Alli | 01 September
In this Issue: Stream (Classic) Retirement | ePump Promo Video
Alli | 28 August
What has - and hasn't - changed about how we design and produce promotional or introductory course videos.
Alli | 28 August
Included are not only our top questions but also our top recommendations on how to structure your course to promote learning and usability.
Anna | 26 August
This update: Rich Content Editor, Modules, SpeedGrader, Settings, and Assignments.