8:15 am | Registration/Breakfast Myhal Main Floor | | | |
9:00 am | | Welcome + Opening Remarks: Tom Coyle, Vice Dean Undergraduate, FASE | | |
9:15 am | | OPENING KEYNOTE Transforming the Instructional Landscape | Steven Bailey, ACE & Julia Smeed. Innovation Hub  | | |
9:50 am | Session Transition | | | |
10:00 am | | MY Manual - A user's guide to UofT's Jumbotron | Scott Ramsay & Shai Cohen  | Rise of the Smart Classroom- is there a rise in the learning curve as well? | Bill Ju & Max Shcherbina  | Enhancing the Individual Learning Experience via Class-sourcing and Teamwork | Elham Marzi, Kimberley Lau, & Oluwatobi Edun  |
10:45 am | Session Transition | | | |
10:55 am | | Myhal 150 – The Good, the Bad and the Noisy | Jason Bazylak & Peter Weiss  | Small Teaching: Leveraging Technology for Inclusive Engagement in Courses | Elaine Khoo  | Mapping the TEAL Teaching Experience: Presenting User Research Findings | Erin Hanlon & Nadine Adelaar |
11:35 am | Session Transition | | | |
11:45 am | | iPads in MY150 | Sarah Mayes-Tang & Bernardo Galvao-Sousa  | Quercus Road Map 2019-2020 | Avi Hyman  | One Size Fits All?: Designing for and Adapting to New Spaces | Panel Discussion with Jennifer Farmer, Ken Tallman & Lydia Wilkinson |
12:25 pm | Lunch in Myhal Lobby | | | |
1:25 pm | | Hands on Workshop 1: Responsiveness in the Classroom: “Backchanneling” and other methods of incorporating real-time student feedback into your teaching | Cori Hanson, Mindy Thuna, Deborah Tihanyi & Allison Van Beek *Bring Lap Top | Hands on Workshop 2: Teaching with Snagit: Lecture Capture and Beyond | Anna Limani & Melvin Chien *Bring Lap Top | Hands on Workshop 3: From Flat to Fab: Creating Interactive Textbooks with Pressbooks | Lillian Hogendoorn & Emily Carlisle *Bring Lap Top |
2:25 pm | Session Transition | | | |
2:35 pm | | What's the big TEAL?! | Mark Pellegrino & Kenneth Fournier | Our experience teaching ESC103F in the Myhal TEAL rooms: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (not really)! | Will Cluett, Niema Binth Mohammad, & Valentin Peretroukhin  | Adventures in Scorm Files | Graeme Norval, Jeffrey Castrucci & Parnian Jadidian  |
3:15 pm | Session Transition | | | |
3:25 pm | | CLOSING KEYNOTE Design with Purpose: Pedgagogical Underpinnings that Strengthen New Spaces | Susan McCahan, Vice Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education & Carol Rolheiser, Director, CTSI  | | |
3:55 pm | | Closing Remarks: Tom Coyle, Vice Dean Undergraduate, FASE | | |
4:05 pm | Workshop Ends | | | |