Transforming the Instructional Landscape
This session will be filmed/recorded.
Session Description:
With quality teaching as one of the University’s core missions, instructional space plays a crucial role in fulfilling this aim. As a steward of these important facilities, Academic + Campus Events (ACE) is committed to developing accessible, innovative, and effective purpose-built classrooms that support the needs of all stakeholders.
Direct engagement with students and instructors is a fundamental component of this project, and is driving this initiative’s roll out. Feedback will inform the design process, and ensure the project directly responds to user needs across Campus. Partnered with the Innovation Hub, employing Design Thinking Principles, we seek to redesign classrooms with rather than for our user groups. In this way, this project will not only support the needs in the classroom, but the broader Campus community as a whole through intelligent and responsive design practices.
Presentation Files:
Transforming the Instructional Landscape Slides
Presentation Resource References:
TIL Report of findings: Transforming the Instructional Landscape (TIL) is a major classroom re-design initiative led by Academic and Campus Events (ACE) at U of T. The following is a description of the scope of the work from ACE’s website:
“With quality teaching as one of the University’s core missions, instructional space plays an essential role in fulfilling that mandate. As a steward of these important facilities, Academic + Campus Events (ACE) is committed to developing accessible, innovative, and effective purpose-built classrooms that address the needs of all stakeholders...Overall, the Transforming the Instructional Landscape project will upgrade 174 classrooms in 23 buildings across the St George Campus, totaling an area of 15,700 NASM. A project of this scope will impact almost 6000 courses and has the potential to affect the experience of almost every student and instructor on Campus.”
Presentation Files: