What services does the FASE Technology Office offer to the FASE community?
We offer a number of services designed to help you use technology in your teaching with fewer barriers. This page contains our more official services covering Quercus, the UofT Academic Toolbox, and content/media production. If you have a question or require support that is not covered by a service below, please contact us at fase.edtech@utoronto.ca.
Quercus/Academic Toolbox Services
Book a Quercus/Academic Toolbox Consultation
Meet with one of our Educational Technologists and get started with a 1-1 (virtual) conversation. Book us for a 30 minute or book us for a 60 minute (virtual) conversation and we’ll focus on the questions your Quercus-related questions have and come up with some practical ways to implement your ideas.
Topics for these sessions often include:
- Course set up and organization
- Assessment review
- Webinar tool administration
- Request a new Quercus Course
This service lets you request the creation of a permanent, non-ROSI course. This is often used for co-curricular activities. While student groups can request a course, a faculty or staff supervisor is required to be enrolled in the new "course."
- Request guest Quercus user accounts
This service will help you create long-term temporary (up to one year) Quercus accounts. These accounts can be used to grant access to external participants or you might find them useful for testing.
- Access the Minerva Safety Modules
Instructors can request access to a cloud folder to access Minerva Safety modules. After access, these can be uploaded and shared to your students through your Quercus course.
The Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering has licenced a series of three online Online Health and Safety courses from Minerva Canada Safety Management Education. Each of the three courses includes 6 or 7 modules that can be completed in any order. Each course also comes with optional testing materials (i.e., multiple-choice quizzes).
Content Production/Media Services
Book a Content Production/Media Consultation
Meet with one of our media experts and get started with a 1-1 (virtual) conversation. Book us for a 30 minute or book us for a 60 minute (virtual) conversation to discuss video, graphic, and other media production ideas.
Topics for these sessions often include:
- Remote recording and filming set up
- Editing and production set up (including software and hardware selection)
- Video and graphic templating
- Use the remote editing service
This service is geared towards helping you re-use existing video content. We can edit your videos remotely and re-render the videos to remove contextual information (like references to previous terms and dates), adding some polish, removing pauses or student activities, and re-upload them to your video host (for easy sharing and archiving).
- Request special event filming
This service is for booking the ETO to film one-off in person sessions. It's great for a guest speaker or special seminar, where you're just looking for someone to come, film, and produce a video recording of the activity. This service is offered according to our availability and advanced booking is recommended. The ETO focuses on filming sessions that are academic in nature. We are not able to accomodate requests for filming outside of educational use.
- Book a studio filming session
This service is for booking our physical studio space in the Bahen centre. Instead of us coming to you (see our special filming request option), you come to us! We have a space that supports self-recording, greenscreen filming, lightboard filming, chalkboard filming, and other techniques.
- Share your project
If you're developed a digital learning experience, we would love to share it on our project page. While we focus on sharing projects developed in collaboration with the ETO, we're happy to share all projects. This offers more searchability and, if you are sharing your resources openly, provides consistent, long-term access to the materials.
- Join the lecture capture program
This service is on hold.
Join the lecture capture program(call for participation is usually the month before the term starts) when you'd like to have all your regularly scheduled course sessions recorded and posted to your course. A media technician will attend and film your classes. This service is available for instructors who use the chalkboard, demonstrations, or other non-digital teaching methods.If you are using a digital teaching method, we encourage you to see if Opencast's automatic recording option would work for you.
If you would like to request filming of one (or a few select) session(s), please book us for a special request filming session.