Dr. Graeme Norval
Position Title: Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
Faculty: Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Department: Department of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry (ChemE)
Graeme Norval, Ph.D., P.Eng., is an Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto. He has been lecturing in process design since 2004. His prior work experience was in the chlor-alkali industry with Pioneer, formerly CIL, where he was a senior research engineer. He is the principal of GWN Chemical Consulting, Inc., and provides technical and engineering support to various chemical manufacturers and repackagers across North America in support of the use of chlorine, hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, bleach, and related chemicals.
He has introduced concepts of safety and safety management into the chemical engineering design courses at the University of Toronto. Further, he is actively involved with Minerva Canada in delivering their Summer Institutes, in which the basics of safety and safety management are taught to university professors, in order to boost the teaching of these subjects. Further, he is part of the team that is developing e-modules, which will be freely available to all students in Canada; these will provide the fundamental building blocks of safety education for all students, and will fill the gap between the regular curriculum and the elements that industry desires.
In 2012, he was appointed to the Province of Ontario's Prevention Council, a group which helps set the direction for the Ministry of Labour's prevention activities with the goal of improving workplace health and safety. He is chair of the CAN/CSA Z-767 Process Safety Management committee.
Session Title: Adventures in SCORM Files
Co-Presenters: Parnian Jadidian
EdTech Workshop Year: 2019