Inga | 08 February
In Ep. 07 we learn about how to use podcasting for teaching with our guest, Lori Beckstead.
Alli | 03 February
In this Issue: Crowdmark license extended | Save the Date for the EdTech Workshop 2023
Alli | 03 February
It's happening! And we're back in person! The EdTech Workshop 2023: CTRL+Shift is taking place on May 17, 2023 in the Myhal Building.
Anna | 02 February
"Can I limit my TAs to view only their assigned sections of a course in Quercus?"
Alli | 02 February
At the ETO, we love a good project retrospective. We’re just finishing content development for an online course and are about to begin the process for a second
Anna | 26 January
"Can I use Student View to check that I've set up my self-sign-up groups correctly?"
Anna | 19 January
"Can I disable announcement notifications from student groups in my course?"
Anna | 12 January
"How can I share Opencast (OCCS) recordings with individual students?"
Alli | 06 January
In this Issue: Q Course Quickstart| AI in Education | New Year's Micro Resolutions
Anna | 04 January
"Can the EdTech Office update a student number in Quercus?"
Anna | 03 January
This update: Rich Content Editor updates (Word Count Details & Icon Maker), Student Grades Page Updates
Anna | 03 January
This blog post reviews the session: Implicit Design, Explicit Function: Educational Developers on UDL Implementation Strategy Continuum. It includes a brief