Anna | 24 August
"Why am I getting an error message when I try to import course content from last year's course into this year's course?"
Irina | 24 August
Just in time for the new academic year, Crowdmark has released two big upgrades:
Improved assessment set-up process
Updated interface for
Anna | 17 August
"Can I use AI-detection software to check my students' submissions for writing assignments?"
Inga | 11 August
In Ep. 09 we hear from Dr. Philippa Hardman about the role of AI in education.
Anna | 10 August
"Will students see a Quercus announcement I post before I publish my course?"
Alli | 06 August
In this Issue: Stream (Classic) Retirement | ESRR Promo Video | Lecture Capture | Quercus Checklist
Anna | 27 July
"Can I send a Quercus announcement to my students after the course has ended?"
Marisa | 21 July
Are you interested in recording your teaching activity for Fall 2023/Winter 2024? The FASE Lecture Capture Program is designed to support
Alli | 19 July
When Inga saw that Collision was offering discounted 2-for-1 tickets for Women in Tech, the ETO team jumped on the chance to attend a world-famous conference (
Anna | 13 July
"Can I send Quercus announcements to groups of students?"
Alli | 07 July
In this Issue: Stream (Classic) Retirement } History of ETWS Nametags
Alli | 20 June
The 4x6" nametag is one of the printed design assets that we use to visually communicate all the goals for the Workshop (if you're hosting an event, you might