Each member of the ETO Content Production tested out a few different features of ClipChamp which we then discussed as a team. Below, expand the accordion items to read up on the features that were explored and our key observations.
Just in time for the new academic year, Crowdmark has released two big upgrades:
Improved assessment set-up process
Updated interface for student tables
In this blog post we offer you an overview about of the improvements, along with additional resources that you can explore to learn more about each upgrade.
As we return to in person assessments, our tool needs shift. Let us know if you plan to use Crowdmark for either in administered (in person) or assigned (submitted digitally) assessments in the upcoming fall, winter, or summer terms. We know that many do not yet know which class they will be teaching (nor how large the class is); the purpose of this form is to collect interest. This opt-in will help FASE decide how to license the tool (faculty-wide or by class).