Alli | 12 April
The EdTech office is looking for volunteers to help us at the EdTech Workshop 2023: CTRL +Shift! Sign up by April 25, 2023.
Irina | 11 April
The University is currently conducting a procurement process to select one or more Computer-based Assessment (Exam) Delivery Solutions. As part of the process
Alli | 10 April
We're counting down to the EdTech Workshop 2023: CTRL +shift - just over a month! Today's blog puts all the information that you need to know about the day in
Alli | 04 April
In this Issue: EdTech Workshop 2023 Speakers and Sessions | Crowdmark Guides Updated | Register for online proctoring vendor demos
Irina | 24 March
The University is currently conducting a procurement process to select one or more Online Proctoring Solutions. As part of the process, members of the UofT
Anna | 09 March
"Is there a unique ID displayed in the Quercus Gradebook along with the student name?"
Inga | 06 March
On February 25 to 26, the 15th annual PodCamp Toronto returned to Toronto Metropolitan University. The free event invites people with knowledge and an interest
Inga | 01 March
In Ep. 08 we experiment with ChatGPT and ask questions about how it can be used as a tool for instructional designers.
Anna | 23 February
"Is there a way to sort student names in SpeedGrader so that I don't always grade them alphabetically?"
Anna | 16 February
"I accidentally copied over the wrong course content into my new Quercus shell. Can I delete everything and start over?"
Irina | 14 February
The University is currently conducting a procurement process to select one or more Online Grading Solutions (you last heard about this one when we published a
Anna | 09 February
"How can I restrict student access to specific course materials after my course ends?"