Alli | 30 March
In this Issue: New Staff | MADE Podcast #2 | Online Grading Requirements Feedback
Alli | 29 March
Submit your feedback on requirements for an online grading tool (think solutions like Crowdmark or Gradescope).
Anna | 24 March
"Why didn't my student's Quiz answers submit properly?"
Alli | 24 March
Irina Belaya joins the EdTech Office (ETO) as our the Educational Technologist, Academic Toolbox.
Alli | 24 March
Marisa Curmi joins the EdTech Office (ETO) as our new multi-media specialist, content production.
Anna | 17 March
"Why didn't my students get the extra time I gave them on their quiz?"
Inga | 17 March
In Ep. 02, we hear from Cheryl Lee on how (and how not) to use images in media projects.
Anna | 10 March
"Why can't my students upload files and images to the text field in Quiz essay questions?"
Alli | 02 March
In this Issue: M.A.D.E. Podcast | Faculty Question of the Week | Feedback for RFPs
Alli | 01 March
Submit your feedback on requirements for a classroom response tool!
Alli | 01 March
Submit your feedback on requirements for a collaborative annotation tool!
Anna | 25 February
Is the option to 'message students who' available for ungraded surveys?