Alli | 29 October
In this Issue: New Staff Member | M.A.D.E. for UofT | Data Driven Design: Quercus Analytics
Anna | 25 October
This week: Canvas updates, This Week's Faculty Question: I used the Copy to function to send a quiz from my 2020 course to my 2021 course, but when I
Anna | 21 October
This week: Canvas updates, This Week's Faculty Question: I accidentally deleted most of my previous course announcements. Is there a way I can restore
Alli | 18 October
Sandra Duong joins the EdTech Office (ETO) as our new Educational Technologist. At the ETO, Sandra will be our first point of contact when you contact us.
Anna | 29 September
This week: Importing SCORM packages into Quercus (known issue resolved), This Week's Faculty Question: How can I export a roster of the student
Anna | 23 September
This week: Plagiarism Detection Tool (Ouriginal) known issues, This Week's Faculty Question: Is there an alternative to the UT Advanced Group Tool for
Inga | 22 September
Connecting educational media makers and designers across U of T.
Alli | 21 September
In this Issue: Accommodation Planning | Resumption of on-campus services | National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Alli | 17 September
The ETO's Content Production team has two new staff members - Eric McMullan and Ryan Spooner. The ETO is back on campus for in person filming! Can you tell we'
Anna | 16 September
This week: Update to Assign to field (Assignments, Quizzes, and graded Discussions),This Week's Faculty Question: How do I set up the Quercus
Alli | 01 September
In this recording:
Creating and scheduling a meeting
Presenting content
View/download recording, reports and captions/transcriptions
Alli | 27 August
From the August 27, 2021 Academic and Collaborative Technology Memo (see University of Toronto's Plagiarism Detection Tool memo for full version):