Alli | 27 January
Tips on mitigating instructor (and teaching team) absence:
Proactively provide access to your Quercus course: You can add a colleague (or anyone in the
Alli | 25 January
You might be wondering how you can self-capture (record) your own teaching activities (perhaps relevant to accommodate students who miss a class). Proactively
Anna | 21 January
This week: Canvas Updates: Gradebook & SpeedGrader,This Week's Faculty Question: We have been recording our Zoom lectures and saving the recordings to
Cheryl | 10 January
Learn about how the ETO's Educational Grahpic and Media Developer can help elevate your content via our review and design process (and see an example with...
Alli | 07 January
Cheryl Heeyeon Lee joins the EdTech Office (ETO) as our new Educational Graphic and Media Developer, Content Production.
Alli | 20 December
In this Issue: Start-of-term Quercus Course Wrap up | Holiday Closure
Alli | 08 December
Creating strong instructional video content is defintiely labour intensive but also can be very rewarding (learners report that they value the self-paced
Alli | 01 December
In this Issue: End-of-term Quercus Course Wrap up | ETO Holiday Gift Guide | Minerva Safety Modules
Anna | 26 November
This week: Canvas Updates,This Week's Faculty Question: I created manual sections in my Quercus course and now my student list is not updating properly
Alli | 22 November
What are the Minerva online health and safety modules?
Anna | 11 November
This week: Canvas Profiles Reporting Interface, Crowdmark Download Text Responses, This Week's Faculty Question: How can I invite a guest speaker
Alli | 09 November
It is a common refrain (isn't it?) - what will delight the EdTech-er in my life? Here are some of the fun things that have helped the ETO Team get through the