"Can I use AI-detection software to check my students' submissions for writing assignments?"
"Will students see a Quercus announcement I post before I publish my course?"
"Can I send a Quercus announcement to my students after the course has ended?"
"Can I send Quercus announcements to groups of students?"
"What analytics can I view for videos I'm hosting on MyMedia?"
"Can I enter grades and feedback in Quercus for a quiz that was written on-paper?"
"Is it possible to release assignment comments without releasing the marks in Quercus?"
"Is there a unique ID displayed in the Quercus Gradebook along with the student name?"
"Is there a way to sort student names in SpeedGrader so that I don't always grade them alphabetically?"
"I accidentally copied over the wrong course content into my new Quercus shell. Can I delete everything and start over?"