
Compare and select your tech tools with our handy comparison tables

While you're relaxing over the holidays, sipping hot chocolate, it might pop into your mind that you'd been meaning to decide on what annotation tool you wanted to use. Or maybe you're thinking about where to host your videos? Enter our compare-and-select-a-tool-comparison tables!

Over the years, we've developed a special collection of comparison tables that compare and assist you in selecting a tool. We know there's a lot of technology options to choose from and that it can be overwhelming to decide on what to implement in your course. Each tool has benefits and limitations and these guides can assist you in picking the one that aligns most with your specific goals.

We review these guides frequently, trying to keep them up to date as changes are made to features and interfaces (while we do our best, we do miss things - if you notice something incorrect, let us know). If we don't already have a comparison table, and you are looking for one, let us know and we'll create it (and probably thank you for the suggestion in the next newsletter!). 

Here's all the comparison tables currently available on our technical support site

  1. Compare and select what video and recording software. Use this guide to review four easy-to-use editing tools currently available in the U of T Academic Toolbox for recording and editing videos.
  2. Compare and select your collaborative annotation tool. Use this guide to review Hypothesis, Perusall, and Library Reading List (Leganto). 
  3. Compare and select your online grading tool. Use this guide to review Crowdmark and Gradescope. 
  4. Compare and select your scheduling tool. Use this guide to review Quercus Calendar Scheduler and Microsoft Bookings tools.
  5. Compare and select your backchannelling tool. Use this guide to review Microsoft Forms, MS Teams Q&A, iClicker, Kahoot!, Mentimeter, Piazza, Padlet, Poll Everywhere and Top Hat. 
  6. Compare and select your videohosting/streaming service. Use this guide to review MyMedia, MS Stream, and YouTube.
  7. Compare and select your asynchronous discussions tool. Use this guide to review Quercus Discussions, Piazza, and PeppeR. 
  8. Compare and select your virtual meeting tool. Use this guide to review different types of MS Teams meetings and Zoom.  
  9. Compare and select your online assessment tool. Use this guide to review Crowdmark and Gradescope.
    1. Compare and select between Crowdmark's Administered or Assigned Assessments? If you’re using Crowdmark, you can also review the two different Crowdmark assessment types. 
  10. Compare and select your teleprompter app. Use this guide to review CuePrompter, Teleprompter Mirror, PromptDog, BIGVU Teleprompter, and Teleprompter Premium. 
  11. Compare and select your no-cost video editing program. Use this guide to review DaVinci Resolve, HitFilm Express, iMovie and OpenShot.

⚠️These guides contains information and recommendations about non-vetted tools. These tools are not part of the academic toolbox and are not supported. If you are implementing a non-vetted tool in your course, we encourage you to review our guide to safely implementing un-vetted tools in your course. It helps to ensure that you are implementing these tools according to U of T's guidelines for third party tools. We want you to use great tools in your course - but safely, securely, and thoughtfully.