
EdTech Tips for Teaching Continuity

Tips on mitigating instructor (and teaching team) absence:

  1. Proactively provide access to your Quercus course: You can add a colleague (or anyone in the UofT community) to your Quercus course (temporarily). 

Recording your in-person teaching

You might be wondering how you can self-capture (record) your own teaching activities (perhaps relevant to accommodate students who miss a class). Proactively figuring out how - and practicing! - how you'll do this will serve both you and your students well in these times of uncertainty. While there are a lot of really great reasons why lecture (activity? it's more than just lecture capture, of course!) capture supports students, right now, it helps to reduce stress as we resume on-campus learning.


Designing visual elements that pop (and promote learning)!

Learn about how the ETO's Educational Grahpic and Media Developer can help elevate your content via our review and design process (and see an example with...eggs)!


ETO Holiday Gift Guide

It is a common refrain (isn't it?) - what will delight the EdTech-er in my life? Here are some of the fun things that have helped the ETO Team get through the COVID months. You might even find something here that sparks your imagination and makes your teaching (and meeting) a touch easier.This list is certainly not exhaustive and we'd love to hear about items that have worked well for you.


Virtual Labs: Labster Under the Lens

Session Details

Teaching concepts online without hands-on experimentation can be challenging. However, Labster can offer an online alternative with their virtual lab simulations. This session features instructors who have used Labster in their courses, their experiences, and their students' perceptions on the virtual lab platform.


Accommodations and Accessibility in Remote/Online Teaching

Learn more about registering with accessibility services, facts and figures, and considerations for online and remote learning.


Crowdmark available Faculty-wide!

Crowdmark has been officially licensed across the Faculty for the current academic year.


Update on Video Server Access and Playback

As the term starts, sharing and hosting videos will be a large part of how you will share content with your students (either in terms of pre-recorded content or sharing recording of your live course sessions).


8 Comparison Tables of Available Teaching Technologies

What tool should you use and when? Let us help you make a thoughtful decision about which tool works for you!