
8 Comparison Tables of Available Teaching Technologies

What tool should you use and when? Let us help you make a thoughtful decision about which tool works for you!


Quercus Course Care for End of Term

We're coming to the end of term - which means, it's time to think about your Quercus courses!

That's right, it's time to think about archiving your existing course and to start preparing your courses for next term. ROSI-generated Quercus Courses have a pre-determined lifecycle which controls when the courses are available and who can access them. Instructors, as well as students, lose access to Quercus courses after a set amount of time has passed.


Backchanneling Workshop Readings

Supplemental readings for the EdTech 2019 Workshop on Backchanneling in active learning classrooms.

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This video will introduce new students to the library space and the services available in the library. It is intended for new students/ students who have not used the library before. The video will provide a quick and to-the-point overview of the main/ most popular services that are available in the library.


Project Lead(s): Glyneva Bradley-Ridout
Project Collaborator(s): Benjamin Walsh