Alli | 09 October
Not subscribed to the EdTech Tip Sheet Newsletter? Sign up now!
Priscilla | 08 October
On October 07, 2020, Anna shared with us the advantages and disadvantages of using Quercus and Crowdmark for your online assessment tools!
Priscilla | 08 October
This week: Upcoming Canvas Update, Virtual Lab Options, New Training and Documentation Blogs/Webinars!
Priscilla | 01 October
This week: BB Collaborate & Breakout Room Chats, New Email Security Banner, New Training and Documentation Blogs/Webinars!
Kate | 25 September
Takeaways from the Open Conversation: Creating & Maintaining Inclusive Online Spaces session!
Priscilla | 24 September
Instructional designer Rubaina Khan shows us the ropes on how to use Zoom for teaching online!
Priscilla | 24 September
This week: Upcoming BB Collaborate Update, Upcoming Canvas Update, New Training and Documentation Blogs/Webinars!
Priscilla | 22 September
How are online classes going for students so far? Engineering student Priscilla shares her experiences and thoughts on her first week back at FASE!
Alli | 22 September
Crowdmark has been officially licensed across the Faculty for the current academic year.
Priscilla | 17 September
BB Collaborate is a powerful tool for delivering your online lectures both synchronously and asychronously!
Priscilla | 17 September
This week: Blocked Email Addresses, Student Zoom Licenses, New Training and Documentation Blogs/Webinars!
Alli | 11 September
As the term starts, sharing and hosting videos will be a large part of how you will share content with your students (either in terms of pre-recorded content