Priscilla | 22 June
This week: BB Collaborate updates, Canvas updates, and a new MyMedia beta preview!
Alli | 11 May
The Education Technology Office is scheduling group/Departmental sessions to help support the adpation to online/remote learning. To schedule a session, please
Alli | 06 May
In learning theory, you hear a lot about taxonomies and models - Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (1956), Fink's Taxonomy of Significant Learning
Alli | 02 April
This week: Extend your course dates, how to sync Quercus to Crowdmark, and upcoming Quercus and Bb Collaborate release dates.
Alli | 20 March
If possible, it is recommended that you record any live course sessions, to allow access for those who were not able to attend, had technical difficulties, or
Alli | 15 March
We're here to answer your EdTech Questions about your options to continue teaching your courses online.
Alli | 11 March
Looking for support? Review our schedule of Drop In Sessions or book a consultation with a member of the EdTech Staff!
Alli | 07 February
Actually, it was less TE and more AL, which was fitting given that we specifically selected a non-technology enhanced room for the meeting (GB202). Active
Alli | 23 January
This week: Jupyter Hub, LAST CALL! Next Round of Quercus Projects, U of T Wireless Network
Santino | 10 January
This week: When I send my students announcements via Quercus, is it possible for me to receive an email so that I know that the announcement has been sent?
Santino | 20 December
This week: Turnitin Scheduled Maintenance & I've combined my courses into one section and now the name of that section is no longer accurate. Can I change
Santino | 06 December
This week: Slow Load Times & Page Errors (Quercus) & Can I have multiple TAs mark a single assignment and review their work at a later date?