Weekly Quercus Updates
This week: SCORM Grade Passback Update, Upcoming Canvas Update, New Training and Documentation Blogs/Webinars!
In this Weekly Update:
SCORM Grade Passback Update
As mentioned in the last Weekly Quercus Update, SCORM has been experiencing issues with passing grades back to students. Instructure has since deployed a fix for this issue. If you hear of any issues surrounding grade passback, please open a support case.
Upcoming Canvas Update
There will be an upcoming Canvas update on November 21th. New features include:
Uploaded Media File Placement
Newly recorded media and uploaded media is stored in the Course or User Files folder, according to user role. Previously, newly recorded and uploaded media could not be repurposed without being exported as part of course content.
Admin Tools
The Grade Change Activity log now supports multi-parameter search fields. Previously the search results only returned results from the first search field.
Training, Documentation, Communication
New Sessions from FASE
- Facilitating Effective Asynchronous and Synchronous Online Discussions in Quercus (Nov 5, 2-3pm)
- Engaging Students through a FASE Quercus Course Template (Nov 26, 2-3pm)