
March 15, 2019

March 15, 2019  

 **New TechSmith Snagit Guides
Category TechSmith, Snagit, Guides, Lecture Capture, Screen Capture, Screencast
Update New Guides are available: Screen Capture Software: Techsmith SnagIt
Software Desciption
TechSmith Snagit software can be used to record lecture audio synced with the on-screen display of your computer or laptop. It also offers simple editing tools that allow you to excerpt portions from the lecture.
TechSmith Snagit creates a local recording on the client’s laptop or computer that can be manually updated to a streaming server (the U of T Libraries’ MyMedia service, YouTube, etc.) or file sharing service (i.e., OneDrive) of their choice.
Software Download Faculty and staff at U of T can download Techsmith's Snagit without charge. Visit the Academic & Collaborative Technologies Snagit License site and log in with your UTORid and password.


 This Week's Faculty Question
Category Embed video, Rich Content Editor, File size

Question: I’m trying to embed a video (not on YouTube) on a Page. How can I do this, and what is the file size limit?

Answer: You can embed your video by using the Rich Content Editor on your Page. For more detailed instructions, please see How do I upload a video using the Rich Content Editor as an instructor?

When you upload audio and media files using the media tool in the Rich Content Editor, Canvas converts files up to 500 MB. If a file exceeds the 500 MB limit, you can host the file through an external source such as MyMedia or YouTube and embed it using the Rich Content Editor. 

Please note that the file storage maximum for a Quercus course is 3 GB. Thus storaging large media files can result in quickly losing storage capacity.




Article Category: Quercus Updates