In February's wrap up EdTech Tip Sheet, we're sharing a few new ETO initiatives - one from the Academic Toolbox side of the shop (This Week's Faculty Question) and one from the Content Production side (M.A.D.E. for U of T Podcast).
We love trying new things! Or, sometimes old things (like visiting Niagara Falls or the Winter Stations, as shown in the banner image) can feel new after missing them for so long. We've been thinking about these shifting perspectives and how to best support you, in a new way. If you have an idea about something that would be helpful to you (especially as you bring what you've learned during your remote time into your in-person teaching), we'd love to hear about your experiences and incorporate them into our support strategies.
And...don't forget to download your Zoom recordings!
Presenting the M.A.D.E. for U of T Podcast: Episode 01
Listen to the podcast. In this first episode of the M.A.D.E. for U of T podcast, we hear from Prof. Marianne Hatzopoulou and her experience pivoting to a virtual video shoot to self-record video content for the Traffic-related Air Pollutants module (as part of the Engineering in a Changing Climate project). Her top tips include writing a script, knowing when to re-record, and the value of tip sheets (so that instructors can focus on teaching, not on recording).
Prefer to read rather than listen to the podcast? You can review a transcript of the interview on the ETO blog. It has been condensed and edited for clarity.
Teaching with Quercus: Outcomes, Rubrics, Gradebook
Explore the Outcomes-Rubrics-Assignment-Gradebook Connection in this recorded session and through the Quercus Course. Outcomes and rubrics offer a great way to track learning and inform assessment in your course. The outcomes tool (see What are Outcomes?) in Quercus allows instructors to add the course outcomes to the course. The outcomes can then be associated to rubrics that are attached to assignments and used for grading and feedback. Once you create outcomes and add them to a rubric, you can use the Learning Mastery Gradebook to view your students' progress towards the outcomes. |
Looking for more information (and hands on experience) using outcomes and rubrics?
Enroll in the demo course "Teaching with Quercus: Learning Outcomes and Rubrics." This self-directed course can be enrolled in at any time and
Watch the recording of the February 14, 2022 Session (facilitated by Anna Limanni and Jessie Richards). The workshop reviews:
the characteristics of effective learning outcomes,
different types of rubrics and identify effective criteria for each type,
how to add outcomes and rubrics to your Quercus course and link them to an assignment,
and the relationship between outcomes, rubrics and the Learning Mastery Gradebook and learn how to use these 3 tools together to view student progress towards outcomes.
It's Download time!
Remember to Download your Zoom Recordings
Cloud storage on all U of T Zoom Education accounts includes up to half a gig of storage with a 120 day retention period (see ACT's Zoom Information website for full details). As such, it's more of a temporary solution and not a way to archive your videos or host them for sharing. Because Quercus has a storage limit (3 GB per course), we also don't recommend uploading the videos directly to Quercus; better to upload them to MyMedia or MS Stream. See How do I download my Zoom recordings? for more instructions. If you would like support to get started downloading, please book a consultation to get up and running.
New Blog Section: Faculty Question of the Week
What's buzzing in the world of the Academic Toolbox and content production? We have recently launched a new blog category - the faculty question of the week!
Each week (#goals), we'll post a timely question that we've received from someone in the FASE community. The idea with this series is to address the most commonly asked question(s) as they are asked throughout the academic terms. As they say, if you have a particular question, chances are someone else does, too - and no, the questions don't have to just be about Quercus; we're happy to answer any question related to the academic toolbox, content production, or anything else on your mind regarding teaching with technology.
This week's question is: Is the option to 'message students who' available for ungraded surveys?
Don't fret - we'll be continuing the established Weekly Quercus Update, but it will become a bi-weeky (or even monthly) Quercus Update. |
Thinking about next year's academic tools?
Academic and Academic Technologies (ACT) is asking for feedback for two different types of tools: Classroom Response Tools (CRTs) and collaborative annotation tools. This feedback will help inform the request for proposal (RFP) that will be sent to vendors; this is your chance to help define what features these tools will have!
How to submit your feedback
FASE Collaborative Annotation Solution Draft Requirements Feedback Form (due by March 08, 2022)
FASE Collaborative Classroom Response Tool Draft Requirements Feedback Form (due by March 04, 2022)
If you've submitted feedback directly to ACT, you do not need to re-submit - you're done! FASE created the forms to help consolidate and organize the feedback to send to ACT.
Read more
Low Effort, big impact tip
Send a Loop component in Teams chat
When you send a Loop component, everyone in your chat will be able to edit it inline—and see changes instantly. You can choose a paragraph, table, checklist, or other component to help focus your team on tasks like co-authoring content, compiling data, or tracking next steps. You’ll be able to collaborate right inside your message, minimizing the need for long chat threads.

Wondering how other people use Loop components? Find inspiration here. |
What are your thoughts on collaborative annotation?
By Alli | February 28, 2022
Submit your feedback on requirements for a collaborative annotation tool! Submit your feedback by end of day on March 04, 2021). |
What are your thoughts about Classroom Response Tools?
By Allison | March 01, 2022
Submit your feedback on requirements for a collaborative annotation tool! Submit your feedback by end of day on March 04, 2021). |
Calling Discussion Board/Q&A tool users!
By Allison | February 14, 2022
Do you use a discussion board (e.g. Quercus Discussion Board, ED, Piazza) in your course? Or maybe you're thinking you might? |
EdTech Tips for Teaching Continuity
By Allison | January 27, 2022
As we return to in-person learning, you might consider implementing some ideas now to reduce the stress of any absences. |
This week's top EdTech questions
How do I collaborate with others on a form? After creating a form, Microsoft Forms allows you to collaborate with other users (i.e. other professors and TAs) on a single form, with edits appearing in real time. This guide shows how to share your form with others for the purposes of collaboration.
Is the option to 'message students who' available for ungraded surveys? The "message students who" feature is handy for providing your students a little nudge. For ungraded assignments, quizzes or surveys, you can access the same feature with New Analytics, using the steps in this blog post.
How can students see their quiz responses and correct answers? Selecting "Let Students See Their Quiz Responses" allows students to see what they answered, any automatic feedback generated by the quiz for correct or incorrect answers, and which questions they got wrong. Quiz responses include both correct and incorrect answers.
How can I enable downloading of MyMedia videos? This guide contains instructions on how to enable downloading (the student can save a copy of the video) of your video content that has previously b een uploaded to MyMedia. Similar options exist for other video hosting services, too.
Articles from around the Web
Do Students have a good idea of what helps them learn? Read the summary of findings on Education Rickshaw or jump directly the research article, On students’ (mis)judgments of learning and teaching effectiveness. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition.
What one University learning about Pandemic Trauma and its Work Force. “For many people, the pandemic is not just an irritant,” Topitzes said. “It really destabilized folks.” (Subscription Required; you can login to Chronicle of Higher Education using your U of T affiliation).
Empowering Students through Your Personal Narrative. Creating an introduction video that connects with students through the power of your personal narrative can transform those first few days of class, which can translate into real benefits as the course continues to unfold. Read more!
Visit the ETO's EdTech Events calendar for upcoming events related to teaching and education technology sessions, conferences, and deadlines.
How can the EdTech Office help?
Check out our service catalogue to get started:
Book a consultation - We're happy to meet with you to discuss any element of your course (related to technology, of course!). We can help with your Quercus course, planning your online assessments, setting up your home recording station and more!
Request a new Quercus course - We can create courses for both academic and administrative purposes (though for the latter you might also consider a Microsoft Team). If you're running a program, committee, group (especially one that has students), this might be a great hub for your work.
Request guest Quercus Accounts - These can be used to provide access to external guests or to be used in testing.
Participate in the Remote Editing Process - We've designed a remote editing process that begins with support as you to record your own content (from wherever) and ends with the Education Technology Office to provide editing services and posting to your Quercus course. This is ideal for trimming and cutting webinar recordings. Due to demand, we've decided to continue this service as a regular offering from the ETO.
Looking for 1-1 support? We're happy to schedule individual (or teaching team) consultation(s) to review your course and current stage of design. You can also email us to get started! |