
March 29, 2019

March 22, 2019  

Display Name Issues **Resolved**
Category Display Name
Info Some UTMail+ users have reported that the display name appearing on email messages has changed to their UTORids. 
Explanation A periodic synchronization process which occurs between the on-premise UTORauth database and Office 365 failed to function correctly as a result of a database format change on Friday. The format change was rolled back and the synchronization process was re-started to return the Office 365 metadata to its correct state. Subsequent work will be undertaken to repair the synchronization process.
Update Resolved


 This Week's Faculty Question
Category Quizzes, Moderate Quiz

Question: I have an online quiz for my students, and one of my students accidentally submitted the quiz without submitting all of his answers. Can I give them another attempt?

Answer: Yes! You can give your students more quiz attempts through the "Moderate Quiz" function.

On the Moderate Quiz page you can grant students extra attempts, grant extra time for timed quizzes, and manually unlock quiz attempts. In addition, you can view the progress of student submissions and view the number of quiz attempts each has taken. 

To access Moderate Quiz and give your student extra attempts, select the quiz and you will see Moderate Quiz on the right side, then beside the student select the editing pencil, and give as many extra attempts as you would like. For more detailed instructions, please see How do I use the Moderate Quiz page?


Article Category: Quercus Updates