This week: Canvas updates, This Week's Faculty Question: I used the Copy to function to send a quiz from my 2020 course to my 2021 course, but when I open the copied Quiz it has no questions in it. It has the overall structure of the quiz I copied but all the questions are missing. Is there a way to copy the quiz with all the questions?
This week: Update to Assign to field (Assignments, Quizzes, and graded Discussions),This Week's Faculty Question: How do I set up the Quercus calendar so students can easily see the monthly calendar just for my course. Is there a way to put the calendar as part of the course home page?
This week: Canvas Deploy Notes, Training, Documentation and Communication,This Week's Faculty Question: I need to assign a quiz only to a specific group of students in my course. How can I do that in Quercus Quizzes?