
Quercus Updates (August 2024)

This update: Changes to the 'Assign to' feature in Quercus, MS Stream video trimming tool.


Faculty Question of the Week

"How can I make the correct answers for a Quiz available to students?"


Faculty Question of the Week

"Where can I find grade distribution data for Quercus Assignments?"


Faculty Question of the Week

"How can I make sure students receive partial marks for choosing a correct response on Multiple Answer Quiz Questions?"


Faculty Question of the Week

"Why didn't my student's Quiz answers submit properly?"


Faculty Question of the Week

"Why didn't my students get the extra time I gave them on their quiz?"


Faculty Question of the Week

"Why can't my students upload files and images to the text field in Quiz essay questions?"


Weekly Quercus Updates

This week: Canvas updates, This Week's Faculty Question: I used the Copy to function to send a quiz from my 2020 course to my 2021 course, but when I open the copied Quiz it has no questions in it. It has the overall structure of the quiz I copied but all the questions are missing. Is there a way to copy the quiz with all the questions?


Weekly Quercus Updates

This week: Update to Assign to field (Assignments, Quizzes, and graded Discussions),This Week's Faculty Question: How do I set up the Quercus calendar so students can easily see the monthly calendar just for my course. Is there a way to put the calendar as part of the course home page?


Weekly Quercus Updates

This week: Canvas Deploy Notes, Training, Documentation and Communication,This Week's Faculty Question: I need to assign a quiz only to a specific group of students in my course. How can I do that in Quercus Quizzes?