
September 20th, 2019

This week: Quercus Email Address Issues & How do I see my groups in Speedgrader?

In this Weekly Update:

  1. Quercus Quiz Email Address issues
  2. This Week's Faculty Question: How can I see my groups in Speedgrader?


Quercus Quiz Preview Issues

Incident Status **Ongoing
Date Sept 20th, 2019
Category Sending Error
Info Users are encountering email issues and receiving "Canvas was unable to send email to this address. Please ensure the address is correct to continue receiving email from Canvas".
Update This issue is currently being investigated.

This Week's Faculty Question

Category Groups, Speedgrader

Question: I have created a group assignment and would like to mark the submissions in Speedgrader, however I do not see my groups, only individual student names. How can I only see my groups in Speedgrader?

Answer: In the Assignment's settings, one of the options is “Assign Grades to Each Student Individually”. If this is checked off in your Assignment Settings, then grading will be shown per student. Once this option is unselected, you will see your Groups in Speedgrader.

Have a Quercus question? Please contact FASE's EdTech Office.

Article Category: Quercus Updates