
New Service! Access the Minerva Safety Modules

Related people and/or projects: Adventures in SCORM Files

What are the Minerva online health and safety modules?

The Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering has licenced a series of three online Online Health and Safety courses (SCORM packages; see What is a SCORM package?) from Minerva Canada Safety Management Education. Each of the three courses includes 6 or 7 modules that can be completed in any order. Each course also comes with optional testing materials (i.e., multiple-choice quizzes). 
  1. Course 100: Provides an overview of health and safety in the workplace, focusing on specific hazards engineers may encounter in their workplaces and ways to manage these hazards
  2. Course 200: Revisits some of the topics discussed in Course 100 and introduces some new concepts, focussing on hazard identification, risk assessment, and risk management and some important considerations and systems to effectively manage Health and Safety.
  3. Course 300: Builds on the concepts and topics discussed in Course 100 and Course 200, looking at those concepts in greater detail.

The modules are packaged as SCORM zip files and can be imported into Quercus as Assignments or Pages. To use the modules in your course, follow the instructions on our guide: How do I upload a SCORM package  to my Quercus Course? The optional testing materials are in text file format and the questions would need to be added manually to a Quiz. 

How can I access the modules?

If you are an instructor in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering at UofT and would like to use the Minerva Online Health and Safety modules modules in your classes, you can request access to the modules by completing the form on the Minerva Safety Modules page (listed with the other ETO services under the Services main menu item).

For questions about uploading the modules to your course, please contact us at fase.edtech@utoronto.ca or schedule a consultation with one of our Educational Technologists.