Engaging Students through a FASE Template
Time is of essence! Quercus is complicated, and teaching teams might not have enough time to create a source from scratch. This is why we've developed a FASE Quercus course template that can be imported and customized within your own Quercus course shell.
Session Details
In this session we'll be going over:
- how to import and edit a Quercus course template, provide an overview of the tools that support effective course organization and content structure
- an overview of the tools that support effective course organization and content structure (including Course Navigation menu, Modules, and Pages)
- explore how to use these tools in combination with other tools (Calendar, Announcements, Inbox) to help students navigate your course and find materials with ease, and
- introduce a course set-up checklist to help get you started with your course organization.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to schedule a consultation with us.
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Webinar Agenda
- Import and Edit Quercus Course Templates
- Quercus Tools and Course Organization
- Supplemental Tools
- Course Set-up Checklist
How to Import and Edit a Quercus Course Template
1. Find a course template
The most important step! We have three Quercus course templates for you to try:
Example Remote/Online Course Template (Download Link)
This course template was created by Will Heikoop - Online Learning Strategies (OLS), U of T, and it is an example of a fully online course. It includes tips and strategies, as well as some resources to help you be successful in this mode of learning.
FASE Reference Course (Download Link)
This template was created by FASE and it is still in active development. It includes help guides to aid instructors throughout the template. You can select to include all elements or select specific elements to import.
Assessments and Feedback in Quercus (Download Link)
This course contains examples of different types of assessments (e.g.,Discussions, Assignments, Quizzes, ePortfolios, Journal) and feedback options (e.g.,SpeedGrader, Rubrics).