
Weekly Quercus Updates

This week: Canvas Deploy Notes, New Training and Documentation Blogs/Webinars, This Week's Faculty Question: "My students received their quiz grades, but they can't see the marks for each individual question. How can I fix this?"

In this Weekly Update:

  1. Canvas Deploy Notes
  2. Training, Documentation, Communication
  3. This Week's Faculty Question

Canvas Deploy Notes

Canvas has recently employed a number of bug fixes. These include:

  • New Rich Content Editor
    • Broken Images in Edit Mode: code updated to display image previews for files selected through the All Files folder (include /preview in URL)
    • Downloads and Files: Links to files now opens up a new page containing the file contents. Previously, clicking on the link will automatically give the option to download the file.
  • Calendar
    • Appointment Groups and Multiple Courses:  When an appointment group is shared among multiple courses, claimed appointment slots will now display the name of the course. Previously if a student from one course signed up for an appointment slot, a teacher or student in another course would view that appointment slot as blank because the course name was not assigned.

Training, Documentation, Communication

ACT Support drop-in consultations: Dec. 21 & 22 and Jan. 4-8

ACT provides support for instructors teaching in online and hybrid environments to develop courses, assignments, and learning platforms. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to drop in on Dec 21 & 22 or Jan 4-8 for consultations with the ACT team! The booking calender will be posted on the CTSI site and each session will be 15 or 30 mins and hosted on MS Teams.

ARCDO (Anti-Racism and Cultural Diversity Office) Series

The Anti-Racism & Cultural Diversity Office offers professional development courses to increase faculty and staff’s understanding of their roles/responsibilities and key strategies to advancing racial equity, diversity and inclusion at U of T. In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, all training sessions will be offered virtually on Zoom.

This Week's Faculty Question

Each week, we'll answer a question that's been commonly asked in the faculty!

Q: My students received their quiz grades, but they can't see the marks for each individual question. How can I fix this?

A: The students are not able to see the details of their quiz grades because the setting for it has not been enabled. To do so, go into the Quiz Settings, then check Let Students See Their Quiz Responses. You can also choose to show them the correct answer.

Don't forget to hit Save to apply the changes!

Have a Quercus (or EdTech) question? Please contact FASE's EdTech Office.

Article Category: Quercus Updates