
Weekly Quercus Updates

This week: New Rich Content Editor Roll Out, Dashboard & Rubric Changes, Add Files Button is Back, and New Documentations from FASE!

In this Weekly Update:

  1. New Rich Content Editor
  2. Dashboard Changes
  3. Add Files Button Fixed
  4. New Documentations from FASE

New Rich Content Editor

Canvas has released a new rich content editor and we have incoporated it into Quercus! By August 17th, Quercus will no longer be using the old editor. All instructors are encouraged to take a look at this introductory video to familiarize yourself with the new update.

Sneak peek of the new rich content editor! Looks a lot cleaner and easier to use.

Dashboard Changes

The new Canvas updates have now been updated for Quercus! The Dashboard now splits your courses into two categories - published and unpublished.

Courses menu will now display courses as published and unpublished. Once a course is published, the Unpublished heading is removed, and the published course is listed along with the other published courses.

Add Files Button Fixed

In the previous Weekly Quercus Update, we mentioned that the "Add Files" button has disappeared off of Quercus. Fortunately, it's been fixed!

New Documentations from FASE

Thinking about getting your TAs to film the labs for your courses? Check out our guide on How to film in teaching labs! Make sure to request permission before doing any recording.

Want to spice up your lecture recording material? Our guide on How do I create the "newscaster" effect while streaming my video feed? will turn you into an expert in no time.

Article Category: Quercus Updates