
Question of the Week

Each week we'll use this space to share a question (or more!) that we've received about Quercus and other Academic Toolbox tools.

This week's question is: "How can I change the name of my course after combining (cross-listing) all the LEC sections?"

This Week's Faculty Question

Q: I have cross listed the two lecture sections (LEC01 & LEC02) of my course ECE3XX (co-lectured with another professor), using the instructions on your guide: How do I cross-list (combine) my courses? The problem is that now the two sections are combined inside the LEC01 section and the name that appears onn the course page can be confusing for the students. Is there a way to change the name that appears on the course Quercus page so that students know that this course includes ALL the sections? I've trying under Settings, but don't see a way to make this change myself- can your office help? 

A: Yes, of course! As course instructor with a 'teacher' role in the course, you won't be able to make this change yourself. However, our office can make the change for you.

For example, we can change the name from ECE3XXH1 F LEC0101:Course Title to ECE3XXH1 F All sections:Course Title or ECE3XXH1 F LEC01 & LEC02:Course Title.

How to request a name change for your course after cross-listing (combining) sections

To request a course name change in Quercus, contact the ETO office:

In your message, please include the following information:

  1. The current course name (e.g., ECE3XXH1 F LEC0101: Course Title),
  2. The Quercus URL for the course (from the course home page, copy the URL in your browser's address bar: e.g. https://q.utoronto.ca/courses/12345), and
  3. The new name you would like for the course. 

NOTE: The ETO can only offer this service for courses within the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering - we cannot access courses in other faculties or divisions.

For additional assistance with setting up your Quercus courses, please contact us at fase.edtech@utoronto.ca or book a consultation.  

Have a Quercus (or EdTech) question? Please contact FASE's EdTech Office.