Parent Project: Introduction to Heavy Civil Engineering Operations and Equipment Management
Teaser Description:

In this module we will look at some of the state-of-art technologies in heavy civil operations, their current impact, and potential future. Specifically, 2D and 3D visual analytics are evaluated for automated reality capture and control of heavy civil operations using photogrammetry and 3D laser scanners, respectively. You will also be introduced to some of the robotics applications that can assist with harsh heavy construction environments.  

Parent Project: Introduction to Heavy Civil Engineering Operations and Equipment Management
Teaser Description:

This is an introductory module to tunnelling operations. In this module different tunneling methods are presented, including their application, history, limitations and strengths. These range from drill and blast to Tunnel Boring Machines (TBM), which have revolutionized the tunneling operations in recent years.

Parent Project: Introduction to Heavy Civil Engineering Operations and Equipment Management
Teaser Description:

Earthmoving is one of the main activities associated with heavy civil operations and is primarily equipment-driven. In this module, you will be introduced to a wide range of earthmoving equipment, from bulldozers to excavators and dump trucks. The application of each equipment as well is its power considerations and production levels are all covered in this module.

Parent Project: Introduction to Heavy Civil Engineering Operations and Equipment Management
Teaser Description:

Equipment is an integral part of any heavy civil operation. In this module, equipment performance, planning and acquisition for heavy civil operations are discussed. Specifically, you will learn how to estimate required power, available power, and usable power of equipment. You will also be introduced to a framework to estimate cycle-time and productivity of equipment. Finally, heavy equipment acquisition will be discussed from a financial perspective, to help you plan the equipment needs of a project.

Parent Project: Introduction to Heavy Civil Engineering Operations and Equipment Management
Teaser Description:

This module presents an introduction to the fundamental concepts of heavy civil engineering, ranging from classification of rock and soil material, to aggregate production and soil material weight-volume relationships. Finally, factors influencing the soil compaction and the different equipment that can be used for compaction are introduced in this module.

Parent Project: Building Science Fundamentals
Teaser Description:

In this module, the instructors are introduced and an introduction to the course layout is provided along with acknowledgements of all the people who contributed to these online resources. 

Parent Project: Building Science Fundamentals
Teaser Description:

In this module, solar radiation and the resulting effects on buildings are studied.  The module begins by examining the fundamentals of solar geometry including how solar geometry varies with position on the earth, and how it varies from hour to hour, from day to day and from season to season.  Then, the interaction between solar radiation and buildings is explored including solar gains and shading.