Parent Project: Building Science Fundamentals
Teaser Description:

In this module, the fundamentals of air movement are described.  The driving forces including wind, natural stack action, and mechanical ventilation that lead to air movement are introduced. Then, air movement in and around buildings is presented.  

Parent Project: Building Science Fundamentals
Teaser Description:

In this module, the properties of moist air, and moisture transport through building materials are examined. Then, the movement of moisture through building assemblies is explored and a method of calculating the composite permeance of an entire wall assembly consisting of a series of elements is presented.  

Parent Project: Engineering & Computer Science Library Welcome Video
Teaser Description:

This video will introduce new students to the library space and the services available in the library. It is intended for new students or students who have not used the library before. The video will provide a quick and to-the-point overview of the main/ most popular services that are available in the library.

Parent Project: Our Energetic Earth