Role on Project: Content Developer, Instructor, Subject Matter Expert
Position Title: Adjunct Professor
Department: Department of Materials Science & Engineering (MSE)
Institution: University of Toronto
Scott is the recipient of the 2014 Early Career Teaching Award from the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering at the University of Toronto.  This award recognizes a faculty member who has demonstrated excellence in teaching during their early career.  Recognizing his efforts to improve the quality of undergraduate laboratory activities, Scott was the 2012 recipient of the Wighton Fellowship from the Sandford Fleming Foundation at the University of Waterloo.
Please also visit my YouTube channel.
From this author
Digital Object Types: Video Links
Title of Resource Part of Description
The concept of a scientific model | Link If plastics are polymers, are all polymers plastic?

This video is about The concept of a scientific model. (Duration: 08:30)

The Bohr model | Link Quick! We need a better model!

(Duration: 11:11)

The band theory of solids | Link Quick! We need a better model!

(Duration: 17:04)

Structure of Polymers | Link If plastics are polymers, are all polymers plastic?

(Duration: 08:01)

Strengthening polymers: by changing interactions between molecules | Link If plastics are polymers, are all polymers plastic?

(Duration: 12:41)

Strengthening polymers: by changing interactions between molecules | Link If plastics are polymers, are all polymers plastic?

(Duration: 12:28)

Strain hardening in Metals: True stress and true strain and the Holloman equation | Link Meddling with matter

In this video I introdcue true stress and true strain which then allows us to use the strain hardenging equation. (Duration: 08:19)

Short Introduction fot crystallographic directions | Link I need more structure in my life.

(Duration: 06:55)

Porosity in ceramics and the stress concentration factor | Link Ceramics?

This video is about Porosity in ceramics and the stress concentration factor. (Duration: 16:18)

Plastic Deformation | Link Material properties: properties matter

In this video I cover a basic introduction to plastic deformation for all material classes. (Duration: 04:59)

Ordered solids, short range and long range order | Link Material properties: properties matter

In this video I provide a basic introduction to ordered solids, long-range order, and short-range order, including the idea of a unit cell. (Duration: 14:55)

Digital Object Types: Modules
Title of Resource Part of Description
Strong, Light, and Not Too Bendy (Storyline File) Strong, light, and not too bendy
Strong, Light, and Not Too Bendy (SCORM Package) Strong, light, and not too bendy
Storyline file for Material properties: properties matter Material properties: properties matter
Some housekeeping and refreshers