
Module Overview

Learning Outcomes

  1. Contrast plastic deformation with elastic deformation
  2. Generalize the relative positions on a logarithmic plot of strength versus density and Young’s modulus versus density of several metals, ceramics, and polymers
  3. Compare and contrast long-range and short range order
  4. Recall several examples of ordered solids in each of the three material classes (metals, ceramics, and polymers)
  5. Using the face centred cubic crystal structure, illustrate how the theoretical density of a polycrystalline metal can be calculated from knowledge of the crystal structure, atomic radius, and atomic weight
  6. Using the rock-salt crystal structure, illustrate how the theoretical density of a crystalline ceramic can be calculated from knowledge of the crystal structure, atomic radius, and atomic weight
  7. Summarize the packing of atoms in organized solids in terms of their one dimensional, two dimensional, and three dimensional packing fractions
Type: Modules
Title Author Description
Storyline file for Material properties: properties matter Scott Ramsay CC BY
Material Properties: Properties Matter (SCORM Package) Scott Ramsay
Material Properties: Properties Matter (Storyline File) Scott Ramsay
Type: Video Links
Title Author Description
Plastic Deformation | Plastic Deformation Scott Ramsay

In this video I cover a basic introduction to plastic deformation for all material classes. (Duration: 04:59)

Charts of material properties | Charts of material properties Scott Ramsay

In this video I provide a very basic look at the modulus vs. density chart. (Duration: 05:16)

The density of solids and an introduction to mictrostructure | The density of solids and an introduction to mictrostructure Scott Ramsay

In this video I introduce the property of density, its units, and the idea that we can calculate the density given knowledge of the type and arrangement of atoms in a solid. (Duration: 05:39)

The face centered cubic crystal structure and the theoretical density of metals | The face centered cubic crystal structure and the theoretical density of metals Scott Ramsay

This video is about the face centered cubic crystal structure and the theoretical density of metals. (Duration: 07:46)

The rock salt crystal structure and the theoretical density of ceramics | The rock salt crystal structure and the theoretical density of ceramics Scott Ramsay

This video is about the rock salt crystal structure and the theoretical density of ceramics. (Duration: 08:44)

The direction of contact and nearest neighbours in the rock salt crystal structure | The direction of contact and nearest neighbours in the rock salt crystal structure Scott Ramsay

This video is about the direction of contact between atoms in rock salt. (Duration: 03:23)

Ordered solids, short range and long range order | Ordered solids, short range and long range order Scott Ramsay

In this video I provide a basic introduction to ordered solids, long-range order, and short-range order, including the idea of a unit cell. (Duration: 14:55)

Atom packing in 3, 2, and 1 dimension | Atom packing in 3, 2, and 1 dimension Scott Ramsay

This video is about Atom packing in 3, 2, and 1 dimensions. (Duration: 11:09)