
9 Modules

Live Tutorials

Formative Quizzes

Distance Learning


This course introduces optimization techniques applicable in solving various engineering problems. These techniques are widely used in engineering design, optimal control, production planning, reliability engineering, and operations management. The contents of this course can be classified into two major categories: Modeling techniques and Optimization algorithms. Topics include linear programming, network programming, integer programming, dynamic programming, and decision making under uncertainty. Widely available software will be used for numerically solving linear, network and integer programming models. This course is quite unique within the Faculty, currently, as it offered students an intensive version of the course (taking place over two weeks during the summer term), a sychronous opening welcome each morning, allowed time for self-paced review of materials, and then concluded each day with a live broadcast of a tutorial.
We’ve attempted to address changing labour market needs with a variety of online course modes; focusing on designing engaging course experiences for those in remote locations, those who have full time professional commitments, and for those in remedial and bridging programs. The aim of this project is the exploration of innovative design strategies for next generation synchronous intensive programming that will overcome access barriers and promote ongoing learning opportunities for learners who are joining a constantly evolving professional world. 
This course is usually offered in the summer term.


Project Components
Introduction to Operational Research and Solving Problems with Linear Programming