
7 Weeks

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This MOOC ran on Coursera in October 2014. While it is not available currently, we are hoping to offer it in On Demand format as of Spring 2017.

MOOC Overview: The wind is a part of our everyday experience. Anyone who has lived on a coast or even vacationed there is familiar with waves and tides. That these naturally-occurring fluid flows contain energy is intuitively recognizable and indeed technologies to harvest wind and tidal energy were in use centuries ago. Our current quest for sustainable energy sources has led us to refocus once again on the potential of wind, waves and tides. This course will explain and describe the technologies to extract energy from each. The strengths and weaknesses of these various technologies will be discussed and illustrated through case studies of specific installations.

Project Components
There are currently no other components associated with this project. Likely, this project was part of the Remote Editing Program or was a one-off video project.