
By using Small Teaching strategies involving regular assessment features in Quercus and the newly available VEA tool integrated into Quercus, low English proficiency students become empowered to keep up with weekly course readings, and voluntarily self-train to improve their language skills. When students can use VEA to accelerate their language development with course content, they are able to participate actively in class.

This session will discuss a TEAL teaching strategy and approach. The intention of this teaching strategy is threefold, firstly to aim to further incorporate use of student’s personal devices as well as the technological tools available in the class to deliver content, activities, and expand the classroom and student capabilities. Secondly, to provide an opportunity for students to contribute in non-traditional ways. Thirdly, to utilize technology to preserve student’s efforts to support learning outside of the classroom setting.

TechSmith Snagit is U of T’s new institutional screencasting tool for video and audio recording. Often used for lecture capture, this tool has many other applications. In this hands-on workshop, participants will:

  • learn about different ways to use screencasting in teaching, 
  • and use Snagit to record and share their own screencasts. 

We have moved into Phase II of the University's Academic Toolbox Renewal process - How Do We Add New Tools to the Toolbox? This session will highlight aspects of this phase, and future phases, and engage participants in a conversation about the future of the toolbox.

In this workshop, participants will learn how to use Pressbooks, a wordpress-based textbook authoring tool available to all Ontario educators and students for free. Pressbooks is an online book/document formatting system that you can use to create books that are accessible on all platforms: in print and digital, including all smartphones, tablets, ereader devices, and computers.

Please bring a laptop with you - you'll be using this to create your first etextbook.


We are using SCORM, to add active content, and then reduce lectures.