
The Opencast Content Capture System (OCCS) What is it again?

Embedding Educational Technology
Date of Session: May 17, 2023

This session will be filmed/recorded.


We learned many things from the recent Pandemic, amongst these was having the ability to record events while also enabling instructors to choose what to record and when/if to release it to students. We also wanted  to eliminate any set up to record.

At the Office of Learning Space Management (LSM), we implemented a system (integrated into Quercus) that allows instructors to record their screens and audio without any extra legwork to set up. OCCS is available in LSM-managed rooms with a full teaching station.

During this session, you'll see a demonstration of OCCS and review how to enable it in your course.

To use OCCS, the instructors:

  1. Opt in to the system
  2. Turn up to the space
  3. Review the recording
  4. Choose to publish (the media produced subsequently is available to members of their course via their Quercus course shell)

Watch the Recording

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Session Leader(s):
IT Support
Preferred Pronouns: He/Him/His