Lecture 31: Bases, finding bases for R^n (Nicholson, Section 5.2)
Sub Project: Linear Algebra Lecture Videos
Alternate Video Access via MyMedia | Video Duration: 1:01:52
Description: Started with a review of the definitions of linear independence and basis.
1:50 --- Need to consider the one bizarre subspace of R^n. The subset S = {0} is a subspace of R^n. But it has no basis because no set of vectors in S will be a linearly independent set. This discussion is the reason why theorems in the book (like Theorem 5.2.6) assume that the subspace in question is not {0}.
5:30 --- Is a given set of 4 vectors in R^3 a basis for R^3? No: demonstrated that the vectors are linearly dependent.
12:00 --- Discussed theorem that says that if you have k vectors in R^n and you build an n x k matrix A by putting the vectors into the columns of A then: the k vectors are linearly independent if and only if rank(A) = k. Discussed the implications of the theorem.
17:20 --- Given any m x n matrix A, if you find its RREF then rank(A) = number of leading 1s in RREF and so rank(A) ≤ number of columns of A. But we also know rank(A) = number of nonzero rows of the RREF and so rank(A) ≤ number of rows of A. So rank(A) ≤ min{m,n}. This is a super-important fact that we use all the time.
23:15 --- Two vectors in R^3. Can they be a basis for R^3? No: demonstrated that they cannot span R^3.
34:00 --- Discussed theorem that says: given k vectors in R^n, if k < n then the vectors cannot span R^n.
37:00 --- Is a given set of 3 vectors in R^3 a basis for R^3? Yes: it turns out to be a basis. Given n vectors in R^n, then figuring out whether or not it’s a basis takes work --- there’s no fast answer.
42:34 --- I wrote "k vectors in R^n form a basis for R^n if and only if the rank of the coefficient matrix equals k." This is ridiculously wrong. If I have two vectors {<1,0,0>,<0,1,0>} in R^3 then clearly they aren't a basis for R^3. But for this example, k=2 and the rank of the coefficient matrix is 2. So by the (wrong) theorem I wrote up, those two vectors form a basis for R^3.
43:00 --- Stated and discussed theorem that says that k vectors will span R^n if rank(A)=n where A is the n x k matrix whose columns are the vectors in question.
46:45 --- Up to this point in the lecture, all I was working on was whether or not a set of vectors was a basis for R^n. At this point, I turned to a proper subspace, S, of R^4 and sought a basis for the subspace S. (“Proper subspace of R^4” means a subspace which is smaller than R^4.)
52:25 --- corrected mistake from last class.
55:25 --- In general, given k vectors in R^4, can they be a basis for R^4? Discussed this for k<4, k=4, and k>4. Make sure that you understand this argument and that it has nothing to do with R^4 --- if the vectors were in R^n you’d be looking at three cases k<n, k=n, and k>n.