Prof. Peter Weiss
Preferred Pronouns: He/Him/His
Position Title: Dean's Delegate for Academic Integrity
Faculty: Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering
Department: Institute for Studies in Transdisciplinary Engineering Education & Practice (ISTEP)
Institution/Organization: University of Toronto
Peter Eliot Weiss is an Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, Emeritus. Prior to retirement, he taught in the Engineering Communication Program for over twenty years and was involved in the pilots of both Engineering Strategies and Practice and Praxis I and II in Engineering Science. He is co-author, with Rob Irish, of Engineering Communication: From Principles to Practice and also, with Susan McCahan et al, Designing Engineers: An Introductory Text. He was also instrumental in the establishment of Engineering Positive Space.
Session Title: AI&AI - Artificial Intelligence and Academic Integrity
EdTech Workshop Year: May 17, 2023