What's happening in the world of FASE EdTech this month? We're heavy into our content production projects, focusing on the Fall 2023 release of a new online course: Exploration, Studies, Resources and Reserves (ESRR) (learn more about the Mining Industry Management Program (MIMP)). We're also wrapping up filming for our first scenario-based training module, Working Safely with Sharps (later in this newsletter, we'll go behind-the-scenes as we film).
Calling all Microsoft Stream (Classic) users! The summer often sees a shake up in the Academic Toolbox and this summer is no exception. Microsoft's video hosting tool, Stream (Classic), is being retired to make room for a new tool: Stream (on Sharepoint). See Tip 01 to learn more about downloading your existing videos and ensuring they are saved safely and reliably for long-term use. If this motivates you to get a jump on your fall Quercus course, you can start building now with our Start-of-term Quercus checklist. |
1. Find out if the MS Stream (Classic) shutdown affects you
As of August 29, 2023, Stream (Classic) will be retired, rendering any videos hosted there inaccessible. It is being replaced by Stream (on SharePoint). For more information, read the U of T Stream Classic Retirement page on the EASI website.
Who is affected by this change?
Anyone who uses Stream (Classic) to host your video content (including videos that you've manually uploaded or recordings of MS Teams meetings made prior to September 2022). If you are using MyMedia, YouTube, or another video hosting service, you do not need to do anything at this time.
What is the timeline for this change?
The retirement process for Stream (Classic) will be phased and you'll have a window where you can download your content before it becomes inaccessible to you. Please note the following important dates and how they impact your video content on Stream (Classic):
Now - July 10, 2023: Stream (Classic) continues to be available as usual.
July 11, 2023 – August 28, 2023: Stream (Classic) will still be available, but you will no longer be able to upload new videos. We recommend that you use this window to:
Decide what content should be saved for future use
Familiarize yourself with the Stream (on Sharepoint) interface
Download this content
Upload videos to the new Microsoft video storage option: Stream (on SharePoint) at stream.office.com
August 29, 2023: Stream (Classic) will be retired. You will not be able to access the University’s Stream (Classic) portal.
You will no longer be able to access Stream (Classic).
You will not be able to view or download any videos.
The ETO has written recommendations on how to manage this change to Stream (on Sharepoint), including what to do during each phase of the tool's retirement as well as technical documentation:
How to access Stream (and other Microsoft applications)
How to download videos from MS Stream (Classic)
How to upload videos to Microsoft Stream (on Sharepoint)
Consider these special cases
If you have 30 or more videos to migrate: For larger number of videos, you can request an IT-assisted migration of your content by emailing stream.support@utoronto.ca. We recommend doing this as soon as possible to ensure this service.
If you are not the owner of the videos: To download a video, you need to be an owner of the video. If you are not the owner of the video (e.g., your TA recorded the session, someone else uploaded the video or was the one to hit record on a session), then you will need to contact the person that is the owner and ask them to add you as a co-owner (see how to add additional video owners).
2. Go behind-the-scenes as the ETO films a Sharps Safety video
For the past year or so (this type of project does take a long time...), the ETO has been working with a team of subject matter experts from FASE and the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) to produce the first (of hopefully a series) of modules promoting safety. These sessions had previously been in person and we all wanted to freshen them up for online consumption.
After much consultation, brainstorming and experimentation with the project's subject matter experts (SMEs), we landed on a scenario-based learning experience as the best fit for this project. Last week, we started filming short videos (see image below) that will allow learners to choose different actions in different situations. When complete, we'll share the final module in a future newsletter!
ETO member James Zhan stands behind Gary Hoang (Teaching Lab & Design Studio Technician for the Institute of Biomedical Engineering), recording while Gary demonstrates how to safely place a glass slide on a microscope. This recording is part of a series of safety videos that the ETO is producing for the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS). |
3. Sign up for a new newsletter "The Science of Learning"
New newsletter alert! OISE colleagues Jim Hewitt and Nidhi Sachdeva (ETWS 2023 Keynote speaker, Take a load off!) have launched a new newsletter. From their about page: This newsletter examines the latest research into the science of learning and its implications for instructional practice. Our aim is to provide a platform where teachers, teacher candidates, graduate students, and researchers can come together to exchange ideas, share experiences, and deepen their understanding of the science behind effective teaching and learning.
See your Planner schedule in Outlook calendar
This month's big impact, low time tip is to maximize your MS Planner by tracking your upcoming to dos alongside your calendar! While planning for the EdTech Workshop, we got into using MS Planner in a big way. Here's one of the easiest ways to make it even more useful to you.
Watch Microsoft's video to learn how to add your Planner schedule to your Outlook calendar
At the top of your Planner board, select the more options menu (three dots ...)
Select Add plan to Outlook calendar (Tip: if you're importing multiple Planners, create a calendar group before you import)
On the Subscribe from web tab, change the Calendar name if you like, and select Import.
Under Other calendars, select your planner.
4. Take a stroll down memory lane and trace the evolution of the ETWS nametags

This month's behind-the-scenes (BTS but not the BTS) article, What's your name again? A decade of Workshop Nametags is the history of the nametag. The large (it's 4x6"!) nametag has been a feature (collector's item?) since the 2013 EdTech Workshop (ETWS). Known for it's size, design, and handiness, the nametag has become a record of how the Workshop has grown over the past 10 years.
5. Confirm access to your Quercus course
Are you teaching in September? If yes, then now is the time to confirm your access to your Quercus course. While courses are created months in advance (see the Quercus course life cycle), you do need to be assigned to the course in ROSI. Once you're in, you can copy your previous course or start with a Quercus course template.
Not seeing your Quercus course?
Faculty Questions of the Week
Each week we answer a real question that we've received about Quercus and other Academic Toolbox tools, keeping the questions timely and relevant to you. You can select on the question to read the full inquiry and response or see all previous faculty questions of the week.
Read the Faculty Questions of the Week
What analytics can I view for videos I'm hosting on MyMedia? (June 01, 2023) | I am planning to run some analysis on how students use these videos: how many times each video is watched, frequency of pauses and rewinds, playback speed, etc. |
Curious about the photos in the banner?
July's banner images are a few photos taken during the past month:
Row 01: Left: Celebrating pride month (Meagan Lau & Janelle Seto)
Row 01: Right: First pizza in the new oven (Allison Van Beek)
Row 02: Left: Blackberries on their way (Anna Limanni)
Row 02: Right: The ETO goes to Collision! (Inga Breede)