Hello << Test First Name >> << Test Last Name >>,
What's happening in the world of FASE EdTech this month? It's conference season! On the teaching side, the ETO is looking forward to attending the upcoming Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation's (CTSI) Teaching and Learning Symposium (TLS) on May 22 & 23 (registration is open!). On the tech side, the ETO is attending (and are equally excited about) the IT@UofT Conference on May 08 & 09 (registration has closed). While we will still be checking our emails during these events, a bit of extra time to reply is appreciated. We'll summarize some of what we learned later in the summer (like last year's Stuff we learned at Collision and 2022's Stuff we learned at U of T Conferences).
What's happening over the next few months? The ETO is celebrating the launch of the second Mining Industry Management Program (MIMP) course, Environment, Social & Governance (ESG). You can learn more about this project below (Tip 01). We've also begun the initial stage of a new collaboration with the Prospective Professors in Training Program (PPIT) where we'll work with Prof. Deborah Tihanyi to contribute to a discussion on thoughtfully (I like to use our value statement words when I can!) deciding between in person and online teaching and learning activities. We've been spending a lot of time over the past year developing large-scale digital learning experiences and we're eager to dip back into developing sessions and other training and support materials.
If you do one thing after reading this newsletter, double check that you've migrated any videos hosted on MS Stream (Classic). MS Stream (Classic) is being retired on May 06, 2024. For more information, see all the details on the U of T Stream Classic Retirement. |
1. Learn more about the new online course, Environment, Social and Governance
Watch the promotional video (1:39 mins) for the Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) course for an overview of what students will learn in the course and introduces learners to a few of the industry experts involved. |
On May 01, 2024, the Environment, Social & Governance (ESG) course launched! You can watch the new promotional video (above) or check out all the videos on the ETO's video demo reel. This is the second course that the ETO has supported the development of in the Mining Industry Management Program (MIMP). The program features fully online and asynchronous courses and learners are both U of T graduate students and external professionals. Each course features industry experts as instructors; you can read more about what we've learned working with industry experts, including key tips about the differences between faculty and industry professionals when acting as subject matter experts, building consistency across modules, and sticking to your internal project templates. |
2. Celebrate the ETO's recent FASE Staff Award
From left to right, back row: James Zhan, Allison Van Beek, Inga Breede and Cheryl Lee. From left to right, front row: Anna Limanni, Marisa Curmi, Maggie Laidlaw, Irina Belaya (photo by Aaron Demeter)
Tooting our own horn for a moment: we're pretty chuffed to have been awarded the FASE Staff 2024 Innovation Award. When the ETO started developing more - and larger-scale - digital learning experiences, we knew we needed to reflect, as a team, on our process to ensure that we're creating high quality content efficiently and effectively. We're not done learning and refining but we know now so much more about the time and energy it takes to produce these projects. This allows us greater transparency with our project collaborators and allows us to schedule more sustainably and budget more accurately. A special thank you to our supporting nominators - Kamran Esmaeili, Karen Smith, and Ayoob Ghalami.
3. Review the latest updates to the Academic Toolbox
This month's update highlights new features in Crowdmark, interactivity tools in MS Stream, updates to Quercus Discussions and integrations being removed from Quercus and the Academic Toolbox.
Crowdmark: New Features
MS Stream: Interactivity Tools (Forms and Call-Outs)
Quercus Discussions Redesign
Tools Being Removed from Academic Toolbox: Ed Discussion and Top Hat
Find out what videos your students are watching the most (or least)
If you're using MS Stream (for SharePoint) to host your videos, you can use per video analytics to view information about how users interact with your videos. For example, you can view the number of people who have viewed the video, and the number of views on the video over different periods of time. Analytics per video include:

How to view per video MS Stream (on SharePoint) analytics
Open the video in the Stream web app.
Select the Analytics tab.
Select 7 days, 30 days, or 90 days to see Views and Viewers over time.
Hover over the graph on top of the video to see which parts of the video are viewed the most.
See more information on Microsoft's guide for Video Analytics for MS Stream (on SharePoint).
Note: To view these analytics, you must be the video owner or member of the site where the video is stored.
4. Explore U of T's Generative AI Resources
This CTSI resource, Teaching with Generative AI at U of T, addresses generative artificial intelligence in teaching and learning within the University of Toronto context. Below are curated items and examples to support U of T instructors interested in generative AI and seeking information on how to include, or better engage with, generative AI in their teaching practice.
Considering using AI in your Assessments? Apply for the Generative AI Assessment Design Clinic. Applications are welcome from U of T instructors across all three campuses. Priority will be given to early career faculty looking to adapt an assignment for an upcoming course. Application period closes May 21, 2024, with a confirmation of acceptance by May 31, 2024. The session occurs on June 19, 2024, from 10 am - 2 pm.
New (or updated) ETO Technical Guides
We usually update our technical guides as questions come in, changes are made to systems, or as we come up to certain dates in the academic calendar.
Here's what we've been up to over the past month:
What are File Storage Quotas in Quercus? (New) - This guide explains the file storage quotas in Quercus (course storage is limited to 3GB), including the limits for course, user, and group storage, and offers strategies for optimizing your use of Quercus storage space.
How to create an image gallery in SharePoint (New) - If you have many high-resolution images that you need to use or share in your course, consider hosting them on SharePoint instead of uploading them on Quercus. This guides covers everything from creating a SharePoint page to adding and organizing images in a gallery, making it a useful resource for enhancing visual content.
How do I request a Microsoft Team? (Updated) - This guide now reflects submitting the request for a new MS Team via ServiceNow (versus through an email request).
Worthwhile clicks from the Web
Looking for something to read/watch/listen to? Each month we round up things that we've interacted with that we think are worth sharing:
Embracing AI in Education | Faculty Focus. From the article: "The argument here is that we can use generative AI to assist and augment the way we work so we can be even more creative and innovative. In the same vein, our students have to learn that generative AI should not replace their work, but it can create outputs that can enhance their critical thinking and creativity."
Techniques for building rapport and fostering effective learning | LinkedIn. From the article: “When learners feel like they're engaging with a real person who cares about their learning experience, they're more likely to be engaged and retain the information being presented.”
The Facilitation Survival Guide | The Educationalist. From the article: "To better understand the roles a teacher- facilitator has, we can start with the simple definition of the verb “to facilitate”: to make an action or a process easier." Also includes: Library of Facilitation Techniques
Curious about the photos in the banner?
This month's banner images are a few photos taken by the ETO team during the past month:
Row 01: Left: Cherry Blossoms (Irina Belaya)
Row 01: Right: Mia on scratcher (Anna Limanni)
Row 02: Left: Cottage Frankie (Allison Van Beek)
Row 02: Right: Daffy in Box (Maggie Laidlaw)