Hello << Test First Name >> << Test Last Name >>,
What's happening in the world of FASE EdTech this month? We're still in heavy production mode as we wrap up the design, development, and build of the Environment, Social & Governance (ESG) course. Towards the end of the month, the ETO is participating in an (internal) team retreat to reflect on our current service offerings and what is still working and what is not. We've put together a (very) short survey on how the ETO is doing and would love your thoughts (see Tip 01). Whether you've worked us on a full course project, submitted a support ticket or two, or haven't worked with us yet, we'd really appreciate your feedback.
What's happening over the next few months? As we move into the summer (and hopefully summer vacations) as well as production on a new course, Economics and Finance (E&F), we'll be taking a break for July from the monthly newsletter. We plan to resume in early August with a plethora of resources to help get you ready for the fall term. In the meantime, we're available for support via our helpdesk (submit a request via fase.edtech@utoronto.ca) and/or a consultation (book a consultation). We're also continuing work on our new website, with a planned release date in the next few months. Expect big fanfare when that is official!
If you do one thing after reading this newsletter, review the announcement regarding changes to the MS Team chat retention policy (note: this knowledgebase article requires you to be logged into your U of T Microsoft account). If you have questions regarding this policy, please feel free to contact the Enterprise Applications & Solutions Integration (EASI) support team. |
1. Share your thoughts on the ETO: what could we do more of and what could we do less of?
To help inform the ETO's service and support planning for the upcoming 2024/2024 academic year, we'd like to hear from you! Every year (or two) we like to check in on how we're doing. If you've ever thought to yourself, "I wish the ETO had a guide on..." or "I really need a session that breaks down..." this is your chance! We'll be considering each response carefully and based on previous surveys, I can almost guarantee that if you request something, we'll make it happen! Here's an example: Let's Chat about Chatting Session (Review).
We promise the survey will take less than five; it's only two questions (ok, there's also free text boxes if you'd like to provide more details):
What would you like to see the ETO do more of?
What would you like to see the ETO do less of?
2. Go behind-the-scenes of a two-person interview video
Ever wonder what goes through the mind of an ETO technician as they set up your video shoot? Go behind-the-scenes with James Zhan as he maximizes an on campus location for a two-person interview. One of the reasons we think you should work with us is that we carry the mental load required for high-quality video production. You show up, we film! Ok, there's a bit more to it than that but we do try to make your video production experience as seamless as possible.
In the blog post, Using Lighting to Transform a Room for Impactful Interviews, James reviews the different types of lighting used in the shoot as well as how he embedded the pedagogical purpose of this video through the technical setup. As these videos tackle incredibly important and sensitive topics, including residential schools, we wanted to elevate the visual experience to match the weight of these discussions.
Jump to the topic you'd like to learn more about:
Purposeful lighting configurations
Lighting the primary subjects with key lights & rim lights
Creating flattering lighting using a softbox
Avoiding overly dramatic lighting using a fill light
Don't sleep on your ambient lighting
Putting this all together - watch a snippet
Curious about how the interview turned out? Watch a snippet of the interview. Since the video is part of a course, we can't share the whole thing but we're able to share a short clip of how this interview turned out. In this quick snip, you'll see Monica and Jason as they start the interview. |
3. What to consider if you're planning on using MS Copilot in your teaching
We're re-sharing some big news from CTSI - Microsoft Copilot is now available for U of T students! Here are some resources to get you started:
If you would like to explore using Microsoft Copilot and have any questions about its use, CTSI is holding Generative AI Virtual Drop In - Getting Started with Microsoft Copilot sessions every second Tuesday from 1pm-3pm. Visit CTSI Events for dates and more information.
4. New MADE podcast episode, Levelling up your instructional design skills (with Luke Hobson)
In the 11th episode of MADE for U of T (see all episodes), we hear from instructional designer and author, Dr. Luke Hobson, who shares his experience working as an instructional designer and suggests what other designers can do to level up their skills and offerings.
The MADE podcast is the edited content from a recent MADE community of practice meeting ( join the MADE community of practice). Produced by Inga, this monthly podcast features interviews with instructors, industry experts, and other members of the MADE community. The goal of the podcast is to share ideas, resources, discover new ways to engage an audience, and troubleshoot common challenges when creating content (video, audio, web, interactive) for academic purposes.
Learn Snagit in 60 seconds chunks
 We're getting a bit meta on our tech tip this month - it's a tip of tips! Improve your Snagit proficiency one minute at a time with this 18-tip video playlist.
Download Snagit: The University of Toronto has licensed TechSmith Snagit to provide screen and audio recording for staff, faculty, and students. Videos and images are saved locally and can be shared via streaming services such as U of T Libraries’ MyMedia or Microsoft OneDrive.
Watch (some of the particularly helpful) videos on the playlist
A Fast Way to Capture & Copy with Snagit
Blurring Sensitive Information
Add Direction and Emphasis with the Magnify and Step Tools
Quickly Turn Screenshots into a Handout
How to Duplicate and Combine Images
Faculty Questions of the Week
Each week we answer a real question that we've received about Quercus and other Academic Toolbox tools, keeping the questions timely and relevant to you. You can select on the question to read the full inquiry and response or see all previous faculty questions of the week.
Read the Faculty Questions of the Week
How can I download a Quercus rubric in SpeedGrader? (May 23, 2024) | I know I’m able to download submissions, but what I would really like is a spreadsheet which shows student identifier with rubric boxes checked for each row per student. |
How can I embed an interactive word cloud into a PowerPoint presentation? (May 16, 2024) | I'd like to use something where students can add words in response to a question in real time, right on my presentation file. |
New (or updated) ETO Technical Guides
We usually update our technical guides as questions come in, changes are made to systems, or as we come up to certain dates in the academic calendar.
Here's what we've been up to over the past month:
How do I assign a large number of students to Groups in Quercus? (Updated Guide) This guide now covers two methods of adding students to Groups in Quercus: using the UT Advanced Group Tool (UTAGT) and the Quercus Import Groups feature.
Worthwhile clicks from the Web
Looking for something to read/watch/listen to? Each month we round up things that we've interacted with that we think are worth sharing:
Strategies for Effective Online and Hybrid Course Design | U of T's Digital Learning Innovation Office. From the website: "Instructors new to teaching online can visit our strategies for effective online and hybrid course design resource page where we have collected links to resources with expert tips, proven strategies, and selected resources to navigate teaching and learning online with confidence."
The Pesky Challenge of Evaluating AI Outputs | Julie Dirksen. From the article: "Pretty much any responsible writing about AI contains a reference to the importance of not accepting the AI output at face value, but reading or viewing it to make sure it’s okay. They say that very casually LIKE IT’S NOT THE HARD PART."
Using Contrast to Improve Visual Accessibility in eLearning | Connie Malamed. From the article: "Designers everywhere continue to discover that inclusive design benefits everyone. By improving the visual accessibility of an eLearning course, you improve its design and usability for all users. This article focuses on the principle of contrast, which is a significant factor in visual accessibility."
The Case for Slow-Walking Our Use of Generative AI | The Chronicle for Higher Education. From the article: "Once higher education resumed in-person teaching, they were on the front lines again — this time, helping faculty members come to grips with a student population whose mental-health needs and neurodiversity had been exacerbated or exposed by the pandemic. Then, just as online pedagogy and inclusive teaching moved center stage, ChatGPT and other AI tools emerged to suck all the oxygen out of the room."
Curious about the photos in the banner?
This month's banner images are a few photos taken by the ETO team during the past month:
Row 01: Left: Cardinal by Ashbridges Bay (Allison Van Beek)
Row 01: Right: Pepper on patrol (Anna Limanni)
Row 02: Left: Cherry blossoms by University College (Irina Belaya)
Row 02: Right: Skydome (aka Rogers Centre) (Inga Breede)