
Faculty Question of the Week

"Why can't I see all my students in SpeedGrader?"


Faculty Question of the Week

"Why did my student's grade disappear from the Gradebook?"


Faculty Question of the Week

Is the option to 'message students who' available for ungraded surveys?


Weekly Quercus Updates

This week: Canvas Updates: Gradebook & SpeedGrader,This Week's Faculty Question: We have been recording our Zoom lectures and saving the recordings to the Zoom cloud. Students have been able to access the recordings directly in Zoom via a link we posted. However, Zoom has advised us that we are now at 98% of available space. Is there is a way to download the recordings directly to Quercus or some other space? 


Weekly Quercus Updates

This week: Canvas Updates,This Week's Faculty Question: I created manual sections in my Quercus course and now my student list is not updating properly from ACORN. I have students who have dropped the course, but they still appear on my People page and they are still receiving notifications and announcements. Can you help?


Weekly Quercus Updates

This week: Speedgrader Comment Library, Upcoming Crowdmark maintenance,This Week's Faculty Question: I am having issues properly calculating the final grades in Quercus. I see a discrepancy between the marks that I am calculating in my own Excel spreadsheet and the final marks that are coming up in Quercus in the Total Grade calculation. I think the issue may be that I gave students the option to improve their grade by taking the best 5 of 6 assignment scores instead of counting all 6. I’m fine to do this in Excel, but not sure how to incorporate this in Quercus. Is there a setting for this in the gradebook?


Weekly Quercus Updates

This week:  Bb Collaborate update, This Week's Faculty Question: I enabled a grading scheme (the UofT Undergraduate Grading Scale) for an assignment in my course so I can assign students letter grades instead of a numerical grade, but it seems that they are still seeing numbers. The worst part is that they are seeing the number that corresponds to the highest possible grade in the letter category I assigned to them in SpeedGrader! Is there a setting I can select so that they only see a letter grade until I’m ready to share the numerical grade? If that’s not possible, how can I at least make sure that they’re not assigned the highest possible grade in the category?


Weekly Quercus Updates

This week: Canvas Update, This Week's Faculty Question: My students have been emailing me saying that they can’t see the annotations when they download their submissions from SpeedGrader and open it in their browser.


Weekly Quercus Updates

This week: Quercus Outage & How to sort students' assignments via their respective submission times


Weekly Quercus Updates

This week: Sending feedback to students regarding their assignments & Inputting exam grades into Quercus