
Quercus Course Care for End of Term

We're coming to the end of term - which means, it's time to think about your Quercus courses!

That's right, it's time to think about archiving your existing course and to start preparing your courses for next term. ROSI-generated Quercus Courses have a pre-determined lifecycle which controls when the courses are available and who can access them. Instructors, as well as students, lose access to Quercus courses after a set amount of time has passed.


How can we make Quercus better for you?


We're looking for your recommendations for expanded Quercus functionality!


After you've Migrated: Let's Build!

If you attended an Quercus Migration session, you'll know that that session focused largely on supporting your decision on how to export your existing content from Blackboard. Now, after that introduction, you might be ready to get into the nitty gritty of the new system and could be thinking about how to most effectively and optimally build your course in the Q. If so, the course builder group session  can get you started. Please note: we will not be covering the migration process/options in this session.


The Q: Pages vs Module Course Organization

You're faced with your first choice - how do you want students to navigate your course?


Quercus Day - May 11, 2018

This week we have Quercus Day at Robarts Library! The day has a drop-in format, so need to register. Come by anytime throughout the day: 10:00am – 3:30pm.


Preparing for the Migration to Canvas

You've attended the Info session, you know Blackboard/Portal is shutting down August 31, so now what? What can you do right now to ensure a smooth migration?


Canvas Migration: Info Session

We know that everyone has questions about what is happening, when it is happening, and how it is happening. We'll do our best to answer them!