
EdTech Tip Sheet: April 2022

In this Issue: Quercus End-of-term Checklist | Overleaf-use Survey | Sign up for UofT Conferences


EdTech Tip Sheet: December 2021

In this Issue: Start-of-term Quercus Course Wrap up | Holiday Closure


Weekly Quercus Updates

This week: MathJax Enabled for Quercus, Page Refreshes between Gradebook and Individual View, This Week's Faculty Question: I created a Quercus Quiz with a combination of multiple-choice and short-answer questions. I added a rubric to the quiz for grading the short-answer questions. In the Gradebook, however, the scores my TAs added to the rubric are not added to the total score assigned to the student for the quiz. How can I fix this?


Weekly Quercus Updates

This week: Canvas Technical Updates, BB Collaborate Update, This Week's Faculty Question: Where can my students get help for MyMedia content access issues?


Weekly Quercus Updates

This week: New buttons on Quercus sidebar, CanvasCon, New Training and Documentation Blogs/Webinars!


Weekly Quercus Updates

This week: Upcoming BB Collaborate Update, Upcoming Canvas Update, New Training and Documentation Blogs/Webinars!


Weekly Quercus Updates

This week: Blocked Email Addresses, Student Zoom Licenses, New Training and Documentation Blogs/Webinars!


EdTech Tip Sheet: September 04 2020 | Vol 02 | Issue 03

Miss the newsletter on September 04, 2020? Read below to catch up on Zoom, Crowdmark, and more!


Weekly Quercus Updates

This week: Upcoming BB Collaborate Update, Upcoming Canvas Update!