
Do you use Overleaf? (Survey Results)

Summary of Survey Results

The goal of this survey was to explore whether a tool of this type would be useful to the Faculty. In total, 199 people responded to the survey.

You can see the resondents break down by role in this chart (or the text table below):


Weekly Quercus Updates

This week: MathJax Enabled for Quercus, Page Refreshes between Gradebook and Individual View, This Week's Faculty Question: I created a Quercus Quiz with a combination of multiple-choice and short-answer questions. I added a rubric to the quiz for grading the short-answer questions. In the Gradebook, however, the scores my TAs added to the rubric are not added to the total score assigned to the student for the quiz. How can I fix this?


Weekly Quercus Updates

This week: Canvas Release Notes, BB Collaborate Release Notes, This Week's Faculty Question: I'm experiencing connection and audio issues in my BbCollaborate session. What can I do to address them?