This update: Rich Content Editor, Modules, SpeedGrader, Settings, and Assignments.
"Can I enter grades and feedback in Quercus for a quiz that was written on-paper?"
"Is it possible to release assignment comments without releasing the marks in Quercus?"
"Is there a unique ID displayed in the Quercus Gradebook along with the student name?"
"Is there a way to sort student names in SpeedGrader so that I don't always grade them alphabetically?"
This update: Rich Content Editor updates (Word Count Details & Icon Maker), Student Grades Page Updates
"Where can I find grade distribution data for Quercus Assignments?"
"How can I send the results of a Crowdmark exam to only one student?"
"How do I weight my course assigments based on my syllabus using Quercus?"
"Why don't the grade totals in Quercus match my own calculations?"