
5 Videos

Instructor Perspectives

EdTech Workshop 2021

Remote Direction

These videos were produced by the ETO as part of the promotional strategy leading up to the EdTech Workshop 2021. We interviewed Workshop speakers about their pandemic teaching, asking the same three questions: what will you be presenting at the 2021 workshop, what is one example of a new approach you tried in your virtual classroom, and what was a pandemic hobby that you picked up.

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What is remote direction?

Remote direction is a service provided by the EdTech Office that evolved during the COVID work remote time period but continues to be effective for certain uses cases even as we return to in-person filming. Remote Production is particularly useful when producing content with distributed people (e.g. industry professionals, domain experts, guest speakers). Led by the Senior Educational Technologist, Content Production, we have help to ensure that your video project is professional and re-usable for many terms.

How does Remote Direction work?

  1. Preparatory Session: We join a webinar session and provide feedback on your hardware and software set ups (before you begin filming). This helps to ensure what you record is as high quality as possible, while using what you have in your space (no special equipment needed). 
  2. Recording session: We review set up and get you ready to record; this could be a syncrhonous session (e.g. an interview, tutorial) or an asynchronous session (e.g. a lecturette, presentation, working out a problem)
  3. Footage transfer: After recording, you can share the recorded media file with us. This can take some time, depending on the size of the files, so you'll want a steady Internet connection and some buffer time.
  4. Post-Production: We can also help with post-production, adding graphics, emphasis and other design touches to elevate your video. Adding design after recording can add some time to the turnaround time, so we recommend building this into your timeline early.



Project Components
There are currently no other components associated with this project. Likely, this project was part of the Remote Editing Program or was a one-off video project.