
March 1, 2019

March 01, 2019  

 Turnitin Bug Update
Incident Status Service Disruption 
Date March 9, 2019
Maintenance Window N/A
Category Bug
Info Turnitin will undergo scheduled maintenance to fix bug related to Turnitin automatically turning off when user publishes Assignment.


 This Week's Faculty Question
Category UTORid, Long Term Guest

Question: I have an industry expert that will be participating in my lectures. Can I add him to Quercus with his non-U of T email address?

Answer: No. Since your guest does not have a UTORid then you will have to apply for a Long Term Guest ID. According to the page, “The process for sponsoring a UTORid of this type involves writing a letter of introduction for your guest and having them visit the Reader Registration desk in Robarts Library.” If you have any more questions about UTORauth service and UTORid, please contact: utorauth@utoronto.ca, and they will have more details to assist you.

If you are experiencing an issue not listed here, contact the Ed Tech Office.

Article Category: Quercus Updates