Prof. Paul Kushner is an atmospheric and climate physicist who works on the atmosphere’s circulation, the atmosphere’s response to climate change, cold-climate processes, and impacts of climate change on the built environment and energy systems. He leads a research group that studies climate models and collaborates with observational groups to better understand the models’ realism and physics. He also collaborates with engineers to learn how climate change will affect the built environment and energy systems. He was the Principal Investigator the Canadian Sea Ice and Snow Evolution Network (CanSISE, 2013-2019), a University research partnership studying snow, sea ice and related climate processes in the Arctic and the Western Cordillera region of Canada. He is a founding member and chair of the CMOS Special Interest Group on Atmosphere-Related Research in Canadian Universities (ARRCU), serves as co-chair of the Northern Climate Data Working Group of the Canadian Centre for Climate Services, and is a member of the executive of the University of Toronto Centre for Climate Science and Engineering. He is Past President of CMOS (President, 2018-2019) and past co-chair (2020) of the Advisory Board of the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics. He was honoured to receive the Patterson Medal of the Meteorological Service of Canada in 2019.